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How to look after your wellbeing during the winter months

During the cold season, it’s even more important to take care of ourselves. If you’re looking for ways to look after your wellbeing at this time of year, we’ve compiled some tips to help.

Stay connected

It’s natural to feel less connected to others during winter, especially if you’re going out less. Catching up with loved ones over the phone or meeting up in person can help you feel closer to those around you. Why not schedule weekly phone calls with friends or family, or join a local group with the potential to expand your social circles?

Keep active

The shorter days and long nights can make exercising a challenge. Finding ways to exercise and get outside can help protect your mental wellbeing, as well as keeping you physically fit. Just a 20-minute walk or jog around your local green space can improve mood, reduce stress, anxiety and increase energy.

Relax and unwind

Whatever you’re facing right now, finding moments to unwind each day can make a difference. Even small things, such as pausing to take deep breaths and releasing tense muscles can help your body and mind feel more at ease. Be kind to yourself, and find methods of unwinding at home that work for you. Perhaps a nap, reading a book, spending time with friends, or cooking a tasty meal are good ways to start.

Eat well

During the colder months, it’s important to ensure that you are eating a balanced diet and regular meals. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. Eating fruit and vegetables with meals can help with energy lows and mood swings.

Ask for help

Remember that you matter. It’s okay to ask for help if you need to, and there is always someone to talk to. Whether it’s one of our Morris Property Mental Health First Aiders, a mate, or a professional support service – speaking to someone is the first step to getting support.
