Home / News / Where should businesses start when offering an apprenticeship? #NAW2023

Where should businesses start when offering an apprenticeship? #NAW2023

It’s National Apprenticeship Week, and we’re highlighting the importance of apprenticeships for providing another route into industries that previously may have been hard to get into.

We caught up with Trish Dovaston, our Office Manager and Project Compliance Officer, to discuss how apprenticeships have worked for our Morris Property and Morris Joinery divisions and how other organisations looking to offer apprenticeships can do so.

When did Morris Property hire their first apprentice?

We first hired our first apprentice Brice under a Bench Joiner Apprenticeship. During the uncertainties of COVID-19, he became a self-employed joiner and continued to work for Morris Joinery, where he became a direct employee at the end of November 2021.

What was the main attraction to hiring apprentices for the workforce?

Employing an apprentice allows us as a company to invest in young talent that are hungry for the profession. During their apprenticeship they gain technical knowledge from college, then follow this through to their working environment.

Our apprentices learn on the job from many of our professional teams, giving them insight to many years of experience from across the generations! It allows us to invest in Morris Property’s future, we currently have two Apprentice Site Managers and two Bench Joiner Apprentices. It has been wonderful to see them grow in their confidence from when they first joined us, to now.

Where should businesses start when they want to offer an apprenticeship?

I’d suggest contacting your local colleges as a starting point, as there are a vast range of courses/apprenticeships that you could offer. They will be the best placed to advise what your business will be able to assist with.

How have apprentices helped the construction teams on site?

Our apprentices have been key members of the construction teams on site. They give added support to our teams, enabling them to meet deadlines and key milestones. As they advance during their apprenticeship, they are able to take on more responsibilities which enables them to complete their progress in college.
