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How can apprentices develop our workforce? #NAW2023

Here at Morris Property, we are proud to be supporting our talented apprentices across Morris Property and Morris Joinery through their studies.

Whilst offering apprenticeships is a great way for individuals to gain experience in an industry, the process can often work for the employer too, with apprentices helping to introduce new ideas and ways of working. We caught up with our Construction Manager, Steve Flavell, on why he values having apprentices on site as part of our construction workforce.

If you are interested in an apprenticeship with Morris Property, please contact your college or [email protected] who will be able to advise you further.

How have apprentices developed our workforce?

Morris Property have been taking on apprentices for many years. We continue to be impressed by the talent of our apprentices, and have enjoyed the positive impacts of fresh perspectives on site. In fact, our apprentices work closely with our seasoned construction teams to continue to learn together.

What is the future for the apprentices with Morris Property?

Many of our outstanding apprentices have gone on to work for Morris Property and Morris Joinery after completing their course. We pride ourselves on offering the skills for life – developing experience on all aspects of a construction project. We look forward to seeing them flourish further in their careers.

What would you advise other organisations considering offering apprenticeships?

By offering apprenticeships, we are enabling young people to get into the construction industry with routes that might not otherwise be available. We are excited about widening the talent pool into construction, and ensuring that we have dynamic new talent underpinning the future success and growth of the industry.
